Page 19 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 19

FALL 2023 ·   voice 19

                                                                                       year abroad

                                                                                      at Harlaxton

                                                                                       College, 1980

         degree in teaching English as a Foreign
         Language and coming to the Arabian                   “
         Gulf for work in 1986.
             If I were to say something to ADU                When we look
         students,  I  would  say  that  looking              backwards, we
         towards the future, we may see our life              usually find that

         path as being unclear, uncertain, and                all the dots are
         unpredictable. However, when we look                 perfectly connected,
         backwards, we usually find that all the
         dots are perfectly connected, regardless             regardless of what
         of what we did or didn’t do.                         we did or didn’t do.
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