Page 12 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 12

12  voice  · FALL 2023

         A Gathering

         of Gratitude

         ADU’s Worker
         Appreciation Day

         WRITTEN BY NORA BASEL (1086470)
         & REJOY THOMAS MATHEW (1084701)

               apstone Mass Communications stu-

               dents from both Abu Dhabi and Al Ain
         C campuses showed their gratitude to
         the workers of the university through two
         successfully executed appreciation events.
         The Worker Appreciation Days, celebrated in
         Abu Dhabi on 17 May 2023 and Al Ain on 26
         May 2023, involved faculty and students con-
         tributing donations and staging activities to

         show their care for the efforts of the univer-
         sity’s worker population, which includes the
         security guards, taxi drivers and cleaners.
             Dr Sreethi Nair, Dean of the College of              Dr. Mohamed Fteiha, speaking at the Al
         Arts and Sciences, said that it is hard to put       Ain event, said that the comfort and secu-
         into words the level of gratitude the ADU            rity felt by faculty and students alike can be
         community has for the workers. “The things           attributed to the dedication of the ADU work-
         that you do for us are beyond thank you… all         ers. “When we enter our campus, we don't
         of the ADU community thanks you for your             worry about what's happening here at night,
         support—both the security and the support            in the evening, or even when we are trav-
         staff—who keep our environment healthy               eling between campuses, and that is really
         and safe all the time,” Dr Nair said. She con-       because of you. We just wanted to tell you

         tinued, “You are part of our family and all          that our work will not be complete without
         of you mean a lot to us.” In particular, Dr          you being there with us. Your smiling faces
         Nair drew attention to the beauty of every-          always give us the energy to go about our
         day interactions with the workers, including         day and complete our work, so thank you.”
         the inspiring optimism of one worker who                 After the formal speeches, achievement
         always says “I’m super good” when asked              certificates and bags filled with a variety of
         how he is doing.                                     goodies, ranging from perfumes to essential
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