Page 11 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 11

FALL 2023 ·   voice 11

                 veryone wants to excel in their lives,       not only success, but also positive energy,
                 whether in the workplace or in their         which serves as the building block of suc-
         E personal lives. However, many still                cess.” Showing appreciation will mean a lot
         are in the dark about how they can sustain           to the employees because it communicates

         complex relationships and success in their           the fact that their efforts were not in vain.
         lives. “Sustaining success is as difficult as        Furthermore, appreciation will encourage
         achieving it”, says writer Rahul Desai. Some         individuals to continue engaging in the
         argue that the secret behind it is just hard         valued actions, seeking more recognition
         discipline while others believe that the actual      and fostering a continuous cycle of growth
         secret to sustaining relationships and success       and  success.  This  ensures  a  vibrant  and
         is appreciation.                                     thriving environment—a key ingredient for
             Unfortunately, many people, including            every organization’s success.
         CEOs and bosses, are of the opinion that                 Ultimately, the secret to sustaining suc-
         the key to success lies in strict discipline,        cess lies in the simple act of showing sincere
         overworking  subordinates,  and  demand-             appreciation. To sustain success in all its
         ing excessive effort. They perceive sincere          forms, it is crucial to extend acts of apprecia-

         appreciation as a sign of weakness in their          tion, no matter how small, to each employee.
         character that can bring out the worst in            You can simply show it through a kind smile
         loyal employees. Instead, their approach to          or a pat on the back. This would evoke warm
         achieving personal and organizational suc-           and cheerful sentiments that drive individu-
         cess centers around ensuring everybody               als to sheer excellence. You can also distribute
         knows what to do and exactly how to do it,           roses accompanied by personalized notes of
         paired with measures such as strict dead-            gratitude; this would definitely make any
         lines and reduced pay to extract maximum             employee’s day, fostering a sense of encour-

         effort from the employees. However, focus-           agement that inspires them to give their all.
         ing solely on throughput in this way often           Appreciation can also be shown using the
         backfires. Rather than inspiring enthusiasm,         rhetorical side of everyday language. For
         it drains the energy from the employees’             instance, rather than saying “This needs to
         morale, making their jobs seem like a tedious        be changed” you can use phrases like “It’s
         chore.                                               great, but this would make it even better.”
             On the other hand, the actual secret for         Similarly, instead of saying “You shouldn’t
         the flourishing of relationships and success         have done that,” you can employ phrases
         is appreciation. The American philosopher,           like, “While I really appreciate what you did,
         William James, stated, “The deepest craving          you could have done this.”
         of human nature is the need to be appre-                 To conclude, the question of what truly
         ciated.” When a leader takes the time to             sustains success boils down to a fundamen-

         appreciate their subordinates, it creates a          tal choice. While many people in important
         warm atmosphere in the workplace where               roles cling to the belief that success hinges on
         every employee feels valued and cared for.           hard discipline and strict deadlines, others
         This, in turn, will motivate and inspire indi-       recognize that the true foundation lies in
         viduals to give more and to excel. Khayal Al         something far more valuable. Appreciation
         Allaq, vice principal of Al Madar School, says,      is the chain that holds the secret to sustain-
         “Appreciation is the bedrock for sustaining          ing relationships and success.
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