Page 204 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 204


        CIV 514 – Engineering Research                               the groundwater divide. Transient
        methods and Communications      Program Courses              flow problems; Transport equation;
                                                                     applications. Flow in fractures;
        Credit Hour: 3                                               cubic law. Saltwater intrusion;
        Prerequisite:  Graduate Standing  CIV 503 – Finite Element   Variable density flow equation and
                                      Analysis                       problems. Construction dewatering:
        A course that in the first part                              groundwater control; sumps,
        concentrates on the elements of   Credit Hour: 3             drains, deep well and wellpoint
        writing and presenting a research                            systems design, construction, and
        topic and in the second part on   Prerequisite: Core Courses    installation. Unsteady radial flow to
        engineering research methods. The   Completion               a well: Theis method for confined
        first part of the course concentrates   A first course on linear finite element   aquifers; Cooper and Jacob method
        on how to investigate, develop, write   analysis that introduces the theory   for confined aquifers; Hantush-
        and present a research topic and   of elasticity and, equilibrium and   Jacob method for leaky aquifers.
        assigns time for discussion with the   compatibility equations, virtual work   Neuman’s method for unsteady
        students in order to arrive at their   principle; plane stress and plane   radial flow in unconfined aquifers;
        research project for the course.   strain conditions. This course covers   software presentation. Introduction
        The second part concentrates   the formulation of different common   to stochastic groundwater hydrology.
        on engineering research       finite elements and study of mesh   The course includes a research-based
        methods. Topics include: models’   layout, refinement and convergence   project on applications of the above
        approximation to reality, assumptions   characteristics. Application of finite   material in groundwater engineering
        and limitations of theoretical   element modelling and analysis   problems.
        solutions, 1-, 2-, and 3-dimensional   techniques applicable for various civil
        examples and criteria for selection   engineering problems are covered.   CIV 518 – Pre-stressed Concrete
        of appropriate model. Uncertainty   Use of different software to solve   Design
        in engineering systems, linearity   typical civil engineering problems are   Credit Hour: 3
        assumption, examples of non-linear   also included in this course content
        and chaotic systems. Data collection,                        Prerequisite: Core Courses
        instrument precision, human errors,   CIV 542 – Groundwater   Completion
        incomplete data sets, hypothesis   Hydrology                 The course discusses the
        testing, discrepancy between                                 properties of pre-stressed concrete
        laboratory and field experiments;   Credit Hour: 3           constituents; the applications of
        examples. Soft information, and   Prerequisite: Core Courses   pre-stressed concrete elements
        incorporation of soft and hard data   Completion             and components in various Civil
        in the technical analysis; examples   A course that covers advanced topics   Engineering applications. This course
        and applications. From theoretical   in groundwater hydrology. Topics   mainly covers the analysis of flexural
        models to numerical models; errors   include: Introductory concepts in   behavior of simple and composite
        in numerical models; running known   hydrogeology; the water situation   pre-stressed concrete girders;
        cases to establish proper knowledge   in the UAE; quantity and quality of   calculation of pre-stressed losses for
        of applied numerical model. Black-  groundwater in the UAE; needs.   simple prestressed concrete beams;
        box models, artificial neural networks   Soil structure, porosity, void ratio,   design of pre-stressed concrete
        and genetic algorithms, examples   water content, specific yield,   beams for flexure using current
        and applications. The course includes   specific retention; soil classification   design procedures; construction
        a project report and presentation  system; properties of silts and clays.   of moment-curvature and load-
                                      Darcy’s law; continuity equation;   deflection curves for pre-stressed
                                      stratified aquifers; effective hydraulic   concrete beams. The analysis and
                                      conductivity. 1-dimensional steady   design of pre-stressed concrete
                                      state flow in confined aquifers;   columns and simple slabs are also
                                      regional groundwater Toth’s flow   covered in this course
                                      problem; 1- dimensional steady
                                      state flow in unconfined aquifers;
                                      Dupuit assumptions and limitations.
                                      Flow inside earth dams; unconfined
                                      aquifer under recharge; groundwater
                                      flow to streams and solution for

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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