Page 21 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 21


        Advice from



        College is full of questions. Tests. Quizzes. Class discussions and debates. Questions are everywhere. From
        the day you fill out the application until the day you take your last final exam, you’ll be answering questions.
        But the most important questions you’ll ever encounter in college are ones you’ll have to ask yourself:
        “Why am I here and where do I want to go?” Sure, you want to earn a degree. You want the ticket to enter
        a respected and rewarding profession.

        Everything you’ve ever read or heard indicates that going to college leads you down the path to success.
        But do you have a solid understanding of what success really means to you? Do you know how your college
        experience will help you achieve your personal definition of success? Do you know where you want to go?
        College can help you reach your goals, but it doesn’t define them for you. It’s a little bit like buying a car.
        You buy a car because you want to go places. You might be able to take a cab, ride the bus, car pool, or
        ride a bike to get where you want to go. There’s nothing wrong with other modes of transportation, but you
        decide that the car will make things better for you. However, the car doesn’t steer itself.

        You drive and it takes you where you want to go. A college education can take you places too, but a degree
        can’t steer itself. You wouldn’t want a car dealer to tell you where you should drive once you leave the lot.
        Don’t limit the way you think about your education. Your education can take you places in style. Study your
        map, get out your compass, and drive!

                                                                                             Dr. Mahmoud Sayed
                                                                                                       CAS Faculty


        As an advisor at Abu Dhabi University, I play a vital role in guiding students through the complexities
        of academic life and supporting them in realizing their full potential. Through close collaboration with
        each student, I can deeply understand their unique interests and career aspirations to provide tailored
        recommendations on course selection and major decisions that align with their objectives. For example, if a
        student expresses a desire to pursue computer engineering, I advise that they consider enrolling in math,
        statistics, and programming courses during their first year. In addition to that, I provide career advice and
        assist students in enhancing their study skills and time management capabilities. Furthermore, I am always
        available to provide information about the resources and services available to students who face academic
        challenges. Finally, as a college advisor, I am committed to supporting and mentoring students throughout
        their academic journey, helping them overcome obstacles and achieve their academic aspirations, all while
        contributing to the university’s mission of fostering student success.

                                                                                           Ms. Hiba Ali Academic
                                                                                                       Advisor COE

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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