Page 20 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 20


        Advice from



        As you navigate through your academic journey, it is crucial to take breaks and utilize your free time.
        Essential as it is to stay focused on your studies, having free time and breaks has massive benefits that can
        help you recharge your batteries and boost your energy level to start again. We all live with the perspective
        that to achieve something, you must work hard, day and night, without stopping. This is true and significant;
        however, it could lead to burnout if you do not hold on and take a break for a while. Another thing I want
        you all to understand is that breaking for a while is perfectly fine so you can collect yourself and consider
        the next step and the next move in your life. Spending your leisure time can immensely benefit you because
        you have the opportunity to do countless new activities; you can utilize it in traveling to a new country,
        reading, spending time with your friends and family, doing a new course, pursuing a hobby, or engaging in
        physical activities, for example, exercising and sports.

        Therefore, to effectively use your leisure time, you must consider your priorities and avoid any means that
        can waste your time on meaningless and un-useful activities. It is advisable to disconnect from distractors
        such as technology and social media apps to get the most benefit from your activity and immerse yourself
        in it as much as possible. Give yourself some time for your physical and mental well-being. All in all, since
        you plan for the significant steps in your life, it is remarkable that you start planning for exploiting your
        leisure time and recognize its massive necessity and impact on building your social and professional life on
        the one hand and its effect on your mental and physical wellness on the other hand.

                                                                                                   Ms. Mona Said
                                                                                                       CAS Faculty


        When freshmen arrive at university, they are super excited. They make all kinds of first-year resolutions in a
        bid to put their act together and avoid high school mistakes. However, their excitement wanes as days go by,
        and they revert to old days habits, to find themselves struggling with the same old issues-procrastination,
        unpreparedness, anxiety, and self-blame. Their short-lived enthusiasm tends to fall flat in their self-control
        battle. Surely, these old habits would die faster if they approached them differently. Instead of big decisions,
        they could start smaller by making their beds daily. Or they could start not swearing at the drop of a hat. It
        would be also realistic if they maintain a regular schedule, which they start with a to-do list. After a couple of
        days, they might follow up with regular physical exercise to boost their morale. Cleaning the table after they
        eat and brushing their teeth may go a long way in bringing the desired change. Indeed, it is more efficient
        to start with just one resolution at a time and stick to it, rather than start with many resolutions and fall
        short of them all.

                                                                                                Mr. Rafik Zinoubi
                                                                                                       CAS Faculty

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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