Page 19 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 19


        Advice from



        In the pursuit of academic excellence, the journey through university presents students with multifaceted
        challenges and opportunities. Particularly in the realm of scientific disciplines like Physics and Mathematics,
        some intricacies of the natural world are dissected and quantified. Therefore, I suggest a unique set of
        strategies that can greatly enhance your academic journey. Firstly, put learning above grades: don’t get
        caught up in grades. Instead, concentrate on learning things you’ll need for your future employment.
        Accept more study, training, and investigation outside of the classroom. Secondly, look for understanding.
        It’s important to comprehend the “why” behind ideas in courses like math and physics. Understanding the
        underlying causes, employing critical thinking, and asking questions help students recall and understand
        things. Thirdly, try to maintain consistent engagement by involving yourself in your study.

        It is beneficial to stay current with assignments, practice problems, and classroom activities rather than
        cramming before tests because physics and math build on earlier knowledge. In addition, use a variety
        of resources. If you have trouble understanding an idea, try in different ways. To increase your learning
        and obtain new insights, explore books, websites, and videos. Above all, seize opportunities for growth
        such as participating in extracurricular activities, workshops, clubs, and competitions. Your personal and
        professional development is influenced by experiences like this, which help you succeed in the future. By
        following these tips, students can not only excel academically but also prepare themselves for success
        beyond  university  life.

                                                                                          Dr. Giovanni Piacentini
                                                                                                       CAS Faculty

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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