Page 17 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 17


        Advice from

        Senior Students


        You may think that you do not belong in say ENG102 class because you always got good grades in writing
        when you were in high school. If a placement test determines you should take this course, accept this fact
        and think of this course as an opportunity. Get everything you can from the class. You will need to write in
        every other course you will take and in any job you will have. Also, remember that you get from this course
        only what you give. Your instructor does not decide what grade to give you. He or she evaluates and grades
        the work that you do - or do not do.

                                                                                                Mr. Bishara Fayiz
                                                                                         Freshman Guide Contributor


        If you do not understand a concept during class, the quickest way to clear up your confusion is to ask the
        instructor to go over it again or to give another example. If you don’t understand, probably others don’t
        either, so don’t feel foolish asking for clarification. Or, ask your question after class or by e-mail. Don’t be
        embarrassed to ask for help. See your instructor during office hours, or make an appointment for another
        time if you have a conflict. Also, if your college has an academic success center or writing tutors, get help
        from these people. Whatever you do, don’t stay confused or give up.

                                                                                                Mr. Bishara Fayiz
                                                                                         Freshman Guide Contributor


        On ADU AlAin Campus, my favorite place has got to be the library because it is very beautiful, and I have
        good memories of hanging out with my classmates. At the entrance of the campus leading to the fourth
        floor, the smell and sound of the lift make students feel they’re up for a pleasing journey to the library.
        The sun beaming through the windows and hitting the books makes the library look like a real paradise.
        Overhead, a fresh breeze blows through the central AC, making a soft noise. Closer to the reading desks,
        the shade from the curtains creates a shielding blanket. Books, magazines, and journals are here, there, and
        everywhere. When my friends and I meet to study there, it fills me with wonderful sentiments- excitement,
        energy, satisfaction, and also a sense of responsibility.
                                                                                                 Ms. Salma Najib
                                                                                         Freshman Guide Contributor

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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