Page 25 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 25


        Chronicles of

        ADU Events


        At ADU, International Days are exciting and lively occasions that honor the diversity and originality of
        the student population. These days programs are frequently filled with a diverse array of performances,
        exhibits,  and  events  that  emphasize  many  facets  of  the  students’  cultures,  including  music,  dance,  art,
        food, and customs from around the globe. They give students a stage on which to display their skills,
        work with people from other cultural backgrounds, and promote a sense of cohesion within the campus
        community. ADU International days encourage attendees to learn about and respect the many different
        cultures that make up the Abu Dhabi University’s tapestry while also providing entertainment. Through
        these activities, students unite to celebrate differences and foster a better knowledge of the world they live
        in while appreciating the rich diversity of their community.


        At ADU, sports days are exciting events where students, instructors, and staff come together to compete in
        friendly sporting matches. These competitions include a range of team sports, including football, volleyball,
        and classic track and field competitions. College sports events encourage athletes to demonstrate their
        physical prowess and collaboration while fostering a sense of friendship and school spirit. Beyond the
        thrill of competition, ADU encourages a healthy, active lifestyle while giving pupils a chance to support one
        another and understand the value of sportsmanship. Therefore, ADU organizes these events to offer a
        dynamic and exciting atmosphere for participating students and spectators alike, adding to the vivid nature
        of campus life.

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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