Page 16 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 16


        Advice from

        Senior Students


        I am a first-year cybersecurity engineering student who is struggling with the weight of expectations from
        my family and myself. I have a fear of failure and have been comparing myself to others, causing me to
        forget who I am, and what I want to achieve. Ultimately, I have come to realize that failure is not the end, and
        that it provides an opportunity for self-improvement and a starting point for success. Although the path to
        success may be long, there is always a way and a solution.
                                                                                                        Ms. Huda
                                                                                         Freshman Guide Contributor


        University life is an exciting and transformative time, but one of the most significant concerns students have
        is finding the perfect friends. While we are told that good friends make for the best memories, it is essential
        to keep in mind that the people we spend our time with will determine who we are. Although it may not be
        easy to find the ideal companions on the first try, there are steps we can take to find lasting friendships.
        Firstly, we should seek out those who know more than us, as intelligent friends make smart people even
        more brilliant. Secondly, it is a good idea to find someone we can trust to give us good advice. It’s rare to
        find individuals who can direct us in the right direction in today’s world. Thirdly, why not surround ourselves
        with ambitious friends who will motivate us toward a bright future? Finally, looking for friends with the same
        goals as ours, such as academic success, will influence us positively on our journey. By taking these steps,
        we will be well on our way to building lasting and meaningful relationships at the university.

                                                                                                   Ms. Tala Imed
                                                                                         Freshman Guide Contributor


        Do not make the mistake of thinking that you can do nothing and still manage to pass. If you choose not to
        do the work, you risk failing the course. More important, you will not learn to be better, and consequently
        you will not attain the objectives of the course, and that will affect your future prospects. If you cannot do
        the assignment, either because you do not understand something or for a personal reason, do not makeup
        excuses. Talk with your teacher; explain what you did not understand when you tried to do the work and
        get help. If you are turning in an assignment late, ask for a new due date. Then, make sure you get it done
        by that date.

                                                                                                         Ms. Hala
                                                                                         Freshman Guide Contributor

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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