Page 18 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
P. 18


        Advice from



        Education opens the door to opportunity. It allows you to move from where you are now to where you want
        to be. Learning is a lifelong process that can bring great joy and satisfaction. However, for many students,
        learning is associated with stress, pressure, and a feeling of obligation. It’s easy to forget the joy that can
        come from acquiring new knowledge and skills. There are some tips for finding joy in your learning. Firstly,
        pursue your interests. Learning is most enjoyable when you’re studying something that genuinely interests
        you. So, choose your studies carefully. Secondly, celebrate your progress.

        Learning can be challenging, but it’s important to recognize your achievements along the way. Thirdly,
        embrace failure and deal with it. Failure is a natural part of the learning process. Instead of being discouraged,
        try to see failures as opportunities to learn and grow. When you make a mistake, take the time to reflect on
        what went wrong and what you can do differently next time. Besides, learning is often more enjoyable when
        you have others to share the experience with. Connect by joining a club, attend a workshop, or participate
        in online forums or groups. In addition, learning doesn’t have to be boring. Find ways to make it fun and
        engaging. This might involve using games, puzzles, or other interactive tools to help you learn. Don’t study
        alone, make it a group effort. You can find classmates who are studying for the same exam and quiz, or you
        can ask a friend or sibling to help you study.

        Two strategies to make studying with a friend more engaging are to make a list of questions and answers for
        your study buddy to quiz you on. Reward each other with food when you get the answers right! Teach your
        friend the study material. This can help you understand it in a new way, and your friend learns something
        interesting in the process. There are different learning styles, some people study well with computers,
        others pen and paper, and others learn better from listening. Utilize the technology that is available to
        you. Moreover, focus on the process, not just the outcome. Learning is not just about achieving a specific
        goal or outcome. It’s also about the process of discovery and exploration. Focus on the journey, and don’t
        worry too much about the destination. In conclusion, learning can be a source of great joy and fulfillment.
        By pursuing your interests, celebrating your progress, embracing failure, connecting with others, making it
        fun, and focusing on the process, you can discover the joy of learning and make it a lifelong habit.

                                                                                               Dr. Collette Foster
                                                                                                       CAS Faculty


        College is a formative time that is full of academic pursuits, personal development, and memories that last a
        lifetime. While the classroom provides the basis for learning, extracurricular activities and events are where
        students’ college experiences are genuinely enriched. These activities significantly contribute to students’
        general growth, community building, and success in the future. The capacity of college events and extracurricular
        activities to supplement and improve the academic curriculum is one of its main advantages. Participation in
        such life-changing events enables students to put their knowledge to use in real-world situations, whereas
        lectures and textbooks just teach knowledge and theoretical comprehension. These activities, whether they
        be through sporting events, discussions, cultural events, or student clubs offer practical experiences that
        reinforce academic concepts, develop their critical thinking, and edify their character.

                                                                                                Mr. Rafik Zinoubi
                                                                                                       CAS Faculty

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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