Page 14 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
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        ADU Policies & Procedures


        The students’ rights and obligations are the cornerstone of a successful learning environment in ADU.
        Transparency in assessment practices and criteria for learning outcomes are made available to students
        through the syllabus, allowing them to participate actively in their education. As venues of intellectual
        interchange, classrooms allow for the expression of pertinent ideas by students while recognizing the role
        of the teacher in upholding discipline and the teaching process.

        Fair assessment procedures are essential. Assignments that follow the syllabus are required of students,
        promoting a fair grading system. Exams at the midpoint and end of the semester should be on content that
        students have already studied. Additionally, students have the opportunity to get feedback and analysis of
        the work that has been evaluated, fostering a culture of fairness, growth and learning.

        At the end of each term, the students get to assess their teachers, the curriculum, and the services as well.
        When assessing teachers, the opinions of the students are crucial. Sincere feedback is encouraged by the
        process’ anonymity, which enhances the potency of instruction. Students have the freedom to form or join
        groups and sports teams with permission from Student Affairs, thus enhancing their college experience
        while simultaneously being engaged academically. Respect and courtesy must always be shown. Employees
        of the ADU shall treat students with respect while fostering an environment that encourages learning
        and cooperation. Recognizing the value of face-to-face communication, flexible office hours schedules
        guarantee fruitful discussions between students and lecturers, further promoting educational progress.

        In general, the rights of students include access to course materials, involvement in productive discussion,
        fair and open evaluation, and treatment with respect. ADU Colleges follow these guidelines and give their
        students the tools they need for both academic success and holistic growth.

        Students should abide by ADU student obligations in all phases of their academic journey. The university›s
        grading policy stipulates that late submissions of coursework should be within due dates. This policy applies
        uniformly, regardless of student classification. Academic standing is evaluated based on students’ cumulative
        GPA,  with clear  distinctions  between classifications  like  honors  and  probation.  Regular  attendance is
        expected, and the student attendance policy outlines permissible absences and the procedure for making
        up missed work. To support academic success, the university offers academic advisory services, allowing
        students to seek guidance on course selection and progress. Examination rules and regulations ensure a
        fair and secure testing environment, prohibiting cheating and mandating adherence to specified guidelines.
        Rigorous rules are in place for final examinations, encompassing procedures for exam scheduling, room
        assignments, and behavior during the exams.

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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