Page 17 - ADU Voice
P. 17


        so when she ardently insisted, I promised her         Around the same time, my friend’s dog gave
        that if the cat came again, she could keep it.        birth to 9 puppies. She asked me if I could take
        As luck would have it, not only did the cat           one of them, and even though I was not sure
        come back, but, as we then realised, she was          if cats and dogs go along well, I wanted to see
        also pregnant. When her pregnancy was con-            what happens. That’s how Muffin came into

        firmed, I, being unable to leave her to fend for      my home.
        herself, adopted her and started reading about
        cats. In April 2020, I helped her give birth to       All my pets have different personalities. Misty,
        four kittens. After delivering her kittens, she       according to her doctor, sees me as her mother.
        placed them one by one in my lap, climbed in          Maybe that’s why even though she is a lap
        my lap herself, and dozed off.                        cat, she sits only on my lap. Mica is extremely
                                                              tender, takes care of everyone, and calls me
        My daughter, whose nickname starts with M,            “Ma”. Milo, on the contrary, is a diva. She will
        named the cat Misty and her four kittens Mica,        decide whether you could touch her or not
        Mocha, Mishka and Milo.                               and wants me-time daily to bask in the sun
                                                              on the third floor. We call her Cleopatra. :D

                                                              Muffin is a combo of Shih Tzu and Maltese. He
                                                              is small, but he never licks people or sits on
                                                              their lap. He is hyperactive, considers himself
                                                              a watchdog, and is always alert. For example,
                                                              during one of his visits to the vet, he amused
                                                              everyone by barking non-stop at a German
                                                              Shepherd many times bigger than him. He
                                                              wants constant company, so whenever I am

                                                              home, he is always with me, even during my
                                                              meetings. When I am working at my desk, he
                                                              would lie on the desk next to the computer.

                                                              Is there anything else you would like to tell
                                                              our readers?
                                                              Be curious. If you are not curious, you are not
                                                              living your life fully. You all are young, so you must
                                                              keep learning, stay energetic, find what you love,
                                                              and build a successful career.

                                                              Staying curious would help you find opportuni-

                                                              ties for growth wherever you are. It will help you
                                                              understand people better, see the good in them
                                                              and build healthy relationships.

                                                              Also, develop empathy. Once you move past the
                                                              “I” and “mine” to “you” and “yours”, you will find
                                                              yourself greatly empowered.
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