Page 15 - ADU Voice
P. 15
After coming to Abu Dhabi, I applied at ADU water tank which was used to store water
for a part-time teaching job but was invited for emergency. There I found a few tiny kit-
to join full-time. tens and I started playing with them. I was
so engrossed that I lost track of time. When
My 15-year long journey at ADU has been very the school bell rang, we realised that we
exciting. In 2007, I was a new joiner at ADU were already too late to enter the school gate.
who had just come from India which has a Realising that our mother would scold us for
very different academic culture. Without wor- missing school, my brother started crying.
rying about the differences, I started exploring
and learning. I kept asking myself: “Why are
things the way they are?” “What could I do
differently?” “How can I contribute to the
growth of students and faculty?” Since then,
the university has continuously provided
me opportunities to grow which I find very
From a very young
I have seen and overcome challenges related age, I used to
to swift changes in work culture and unfore- explore without
seen circumstances such as those created by fear, challenge
COVID. My primary purpose as CAS dean is
to help students develop holistically for their gender inequality,
own benefit and for the benefit of the whole and behave as a
world. Also, I find it a privilege to interact with
students from different majors who often help go-getter.
me look at things in different ways.
As leader of 71 faculty and staff members in
CAS, I try to build a rapport with each member
of my team and understand their problems, To calm him down, I came up with an idea.
motivations and strengths. I also deeply appre-
ciate faculty members who remain curious, When my mom asked why we returned home
flexible, and adaptable to meet the require- so early, I told her that we got a day off because
ments of changing times. our teacher, who had been suffering from
bronchitis for a long time, had died. We really
What are your curious habits? How have did have a teacher suffering from bronchitis,
they contributed to your personality? so my mom believed me. However, when my
Let me tell you a childhood story. I was in mom investigated the matter and caught the
grade one, and my brother was in upper kin- lie, she told my father about it. He explained
dergarten. As we were walking to school one to me that lying is morally wrong and told me,
day, we heard a kitten meowing. To see where “Never choose the path of lies to achieve any-
the noise was coming from, I did something thing in life.” Later, I overheard him telling my
extremely daring. While my brother stayed mom that she needed to be very careful with
at his place, I climbed down the steps of a big me as I was super smart.