Page 20 - ADU Voice
P. 20

20   ADU VOICE     · SPRING 2022

                                Ask Questions,

                   Be Curious

                        WRITTEN BY FATHIMATHUL AFRAH NISAR (1067508)

                                                     Art by Ewa Geruzel

                 o  pretty! Touching  the  flowers            realizing that I had missed the question she
                 gently, I smiled at them. I love flow-       asked.
                 ers. They look so colorful and pretty
       S to anyone’s eyes. Being such a beauty                 “Would you-would you mind re-repeating the
        must have been a great advantage for them,            question, Miss?” I stuttered very badly. “How
        especially when they get compared with the            nice of you!” she shouted. I inhaled sharply as

        other creatures in the world.                         the sound of her heels tapping on the ground
                                                              neared me. “This is not the first time you are
        “Nora!” Startled, I looked around before my           zoning out, Nora. I do not think this is the type
        gaze fell upon Miss Holmes. “Y-yes?” I stood          of behavior I would like any of my students to
        up, bowing my head down, with my fringes              show. Come, let’s pay a visit to the principal.”
        covering almost half of my face. “Give me the         And she walked away, leaving me to go on all
        answer.” I gulped down the lump in my throat,         panic mode.
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