Page 21 - ADU Voice
P. 21


        Another Visit

        “I need answers this time, Nora.” my mother           “But you told me that asking questions is not
        cried out, throwing her hands in the air. “Why        a good habit.” I said.
        are you like this? Why don’t you pay attention

        in your classes? Don’t you like your school?          “What? When did I say that?” she exclaimed
        Or you just don’t want to study?” Bowing my           with a confused look on her face. “Since —
        head, I kept looking down at my feet. “Oh,            forever?” I asked. “You always told me not
        now you don’t want to talk. You do know that          to be so curious about everything happening
        you wasted almost three hours of my work              around me as that would make me question
        time, right? This was the third visit to your         you, and that’s-that’s not a good habit. That’s
        Principal’s office this month.”                       what you taught me.”

        Looking up, I felt her heart twisting as I pat my     “Mum! Where is Dad? Why didn’t he come
        wet cheeks. “I am s-sorry, Mom.” I whispered.         for my birthday?” – “Nora! Stop asking
        “Just apologizing would make no difference.”

        she said as she knelt down and cupped my              “Mum! I saw Dad with a kid in the park.
        cheeks. “Don’t you want to study, Nora? Don’t         Who was that kid?” – “Nora! Why are you
        you want to grow up and be happy in life? Pay         so curious? It’s not a good habit.”
        attention to your teachers. Give answers in
        class and ask questions. When you ask ques-           “Mum! Why didn’t you come last night to
        tions, your teachers will be proud that you are       play with me?” – “Nora! Stop being so curi-
        trying to learn.                                      ous that you start to question me now.”

        “Be curious about knowledge, Nora.”                   “Mom?”

                                                              “Oh!” she looked back at me with remorse in
                                                              her eyes. “Oh baby!” she sobbed.

                                                              “Oh dear! I’m so sorry. I-I’m really s-sorry.” she
                                                              wept hard, before holding me close to her and

              Being curious is                                running her hands through my hair. “Mom is
                                                              really sorry, Nora.”
              not a bad trait. In

              fact, it’s something                            Being curious is not a bad trait. In fact, it’s
                                                              something that can help in the development
              that can help in the                            of a child’s intellect. Curiosity makes children

              development of a                                ask questions and those questions, in turn,
                                                              makes them search for answers.
              child’s intellect.

                                                              Encourage children to be curious, as that will
                                                              shape them into creative individuals with a
                                                              sense of wonder.
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