Page 18 - ADU Voice
P. 18
· SPRING 2022
myths about autism
Dr. Seuss once said, “Why fit in when you were born to stand out?” Autistic
people may seem less curious but they do have other differences that make
them extraordinarily unique than normal people.
ince Leo Kanner first prescribed disorder because there is
early infantile autism in 1943, myths significant variation in the
and misconceptions about the nature type and severity of symp-
S of what is now known as an autism toms people experience.
spectrum disorder (ASD) have spread. These There is no known
myths have had a significant impact on the single cause of ASD, but
lives of individuals with ASD and their fam- the cause can be genetic,
ilies and the way society views and supports or even environmental.
them. ASD has been misunderstood a lot in the
past, from the concept of the “the refrigera- Children with ASD tend to
tor mother theory” to the idea that everyone be less spontaneous and less
with ASD has superhuman abilities like Dustin curious than other kids. Unlike
Hoffman’s “Rain Man movie” and “The Good a typical curious little kid
Doctor series” stars. pointing to things that catch
their eye, children with ASD
ASD is a developmental disorder that involves often appear uninterested
impairments and persistent challenges in or unaware of what is
social interaction, a decline in the development going on around them.
of language skills, nonverbal communica-
tion, and patterns of restricted or repetitive Normally, developing
behavior and interests. It affects about 1% children are often curi-
of the world’s population and is four times ous and reactive when
more common in boys than in girls. Although encountering other
ASD can be diagnosed at any age, it is said children, especially for
to be a “developmental disorder” because the first time. However, chil-
symptoms generally appear in the first two dren with ASD may show little
years of life. ASD is known as a “spectrum” interest in the other