Page 12 - ADU Voice
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12  ADU VOICE     · SPRING 2022

        The Mobility District with its Alif Pavilion          what can be achieved when we come together,
        eliminated any doubts about how we could              share our ideas, and develop them into some-
        impact our community and our world. Basking           thing tangible! It showed us that there are
        in the achievements of others who were brave          many countries out there if only we would
        enough to try and make our world a better             visit, and endless opportunities out there if

        place, we learned that all it takes to make a         only we would explore.
        difference is the determination to see real
        change around us.                                     So, with Expo 2020 officially ended, it is time
                                                              to embark on our own journeys of curiosity.
        Human progress has been hallmarked by                 Reflect on what we have achieved as a commu-
        curious minds and their commitment to bring           nity and use it to guide your advancements.
        their ideas to fruition. We have come a long          Unleash your curiosity, explore the resources
        way from the first wheel to the first spacecraft      available to you, and be the one to lead the
        on Mars simply because of those individu-             next wave of progress.
        als who believed in their vision. But isn’t that
        the whole point of Expo 2020? Countries have
        developed and thrived only because of those

        people who believed in their own ideas. They                Already missing the Expo? Click
        allowed their curiosity to grow into some-                  here to relive the experience in an
        thing bigger than themselves, and as a result,              immersive virtual tour.
        economies grew, trade expanded, and tour-         
        ism boomed. Every country has developed in
        its own way, and Expo 2020 reminded us of
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