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P. 22

22   ADU VOICE     · SPRING 2022

                          Did curiosity really

              KILL THE CAT?

                           WRITTEN BY FAIZ ASHFAQ MAHMOOD (1080139)

                   uriosity. Curiosity. Curiosity. I’ve       Now when that doesn’t do the trick, I like
                   struggled a lot when thinking about        to dig further, such as looking at the Latin
                   what to write about this topic. I’m        meaning or the initial root of the word.
       C not sure if it’s writer’s block or just
        my procrastinating side waiting to work its           Curiosity is a quality that relates to inquisitive
        weird magic. So, I’m going to use the oldest          thinking such as exploration, investigation,
        trick in my book (not available yet) – ‘How to        and learning, evident in humans and other
        write amazingly like Faiz.’ Look out for the          animals (from Latin cūriōsus ‘careful, dili-
        future New York Times bestseller, please.             gent, curious,’ akin to cura ‘care’).

        Something that always helps me in starting            Now that’s way more interesting. While the
        to write an article is looking up the definition      ‘exploration’ aspect invoked the image of the
        of the word or topic I’m writing about. The           famous Mars Rover wishing itself “Happy
        word curiosity refers to a drive to learn or          Birthday,” the ‘animal’ aspect led me to the
        an inquisitive interest in others’ problems.          popular proverb, ‘Curiosity killed the cat.’
        Fairly simple, right?                                 Woefully beautiful, isn’t it?
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