Page 13 - ADU Voice
P. 13

FROM                                                                     SPRING 2022 · ADU VOICE 13

         RAGS TO



         BOOK REVIEW BY AZKA RAFI (1069730),


                  ublished in 1995 by  Mohammed               pay tribute to these nation builders by shed-
                  Al-Fahim, “From Rags to Riches: A           ding light on their hard work and struggles
                  Story of Abu Dhabi” can be classified       for the world to see.
       P as a historic biography. It offers a

        captivating retelling of the struggles, from set-     Furthermore, due to his close relation with
        ting up a dynamic economic infrastructure to          our beloved founding father, Sheikh Zayed
        providing an ample supply of clean drinking           Bin Sultan Al-Nahyan, readers are allowed a
        water, that the UAE had to overcome in order          deeper understanding of His Highness’s (may
        to reach the high position that it holds today.       he rest in peace) character, morals, endless
        As reviewers, a lot of the incidents retold in        love for his people, and unfaltering drive to
        this book came as a surprise to us, ordeals we        make the UAE a prominent, respectful, and
        never knew had occurred in the UAE’s history.         capable country in the eyes of the world.

        Having witnessed the growth and formation             From the early days when its only source of
        of the UAE, from its early stages of just barren      earning was through pearl diving, to hosting
        land covered in heaps of sand to a fully devel-       the world’s biggest innovation exhibition in

        oped independent country bustling with busy           2022, the UAE has come a long way and not
        roads and glistening skyscrapers, Al-Fahim            without its hurdles. “From Rags to Riches” by
        has used his words to paint us a picture of           Mohammed Al-Fahim is a delightfully capti-
        Abu Dhabi’s journey to success.                       vating read, with an eye-opening narration
                                                              that commemorates the rapid growth and
        He recognized unsung heroes whose deeds               transformation of not only Abu Dhabi, but
        weren’t recognised in history, and decided to         also the the UAE as a whole.
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