Page 14 - ADU Voice
P. 14

14  ADU VOICE     · SPRING 2022

                                                 A talk with

             Dr. Sreethi

             Dr. Sreethi Nair is the dean of the College of Arts and Sciences (CAS)

             at Abu Dhabi University. In this interview, she shares stories from her
             daring childhood and her curious every-days, and talks about how she
             discovered her love for psychology and pets.


             AND HEBA M. ZAHER NABA (1084687)

        Is curiosity important to you? What do you            Curious people are usually smart, and are
        find special about curious people?                    interested in knowing the possibilities that
        Human beings are alive because they are curi-         the future holds. For example, if Edison had
        ous. We do everything we do, including being          not burned his laboratory multiple times, we
        adventurous, agile and funny, because we are          wouldn’t have benefited from his many inven-
        curious. Curiosity is fundamental to a person’s       tions including the light bulb.
        development, without which one cannot use

        their thinking process optimally. However, it         You have been at ADU for a while now. Tell
        has both positive and negative sides. People          us about your career journey.
        can use their curiosity constructively by cre-        I started my career in India, where I was very
        ating new things, improving the environment           happy to work. However, I had to join my
        around them, and rediscovering oneself, or            husband in the UAE when he was diagnosed
        they can use it for petty things such as snoop-       with leukemia and needed my support for his
        ing and gossiping.                                    lengthy treatment.
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