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        children. Restricted and repetitive behaviors         engaging socially with others is too compli-
        (RRBs) are a core feature of ASD that reduce          cated and perpetuate the misconception that
        ASDs’ attention to and exploration of their           people with ASD do not want friends. Despite
        environment, depriving them of meaningful             their poor social skills, studies have shown
        input and opportunities for learning, early           that people with ASD form relationships and

        in life.                                              friendships with others, but may take longer
                                                              than their typical peers to do so, provided that
        Although curiosity about and exploration of           they are well understood and have developed
        the environment is likely to play an import-          their social skills.
        ant role in the learning and development of
        children with ASD, one of the earliest studies        As for the second myth, much research indi-
        about curiosity and autism conducted by Hutt          cates that a relatively small number of people
        (1969) found that kids with ASD have less curi-       with ASD (less than 10%) possess exceptional
        osity than typical children and deemed their          skills, which can be categorized as savant
               exploratory activity deficient.                syndrome, a rare condition that gifts people
                                                              unusual skills (often in memory, music, art,
                       Two common myths about ASD             and arithmetic). Even though the rates of

                         are: (1) People with ASD do not      savant syndrome are higher in the autistic
                          want to or cannot build rela-       population than the neurotypical population,
                          tionships with others, and          most autistic people do not have a savant skill.
                          (2) Everyone with ASD has a
                          unique, supernatural talent.        Finally, ASD is not a disease – it cannot be
                                                              cured by medication. However, the challenges
                         The fact is that many studies        faced by people with ASD can be overcome
                     indicate that individuals with ASD       and  autistics  can  lead  fully  independent,

                        desire and benefit from social        healthy, and productive lives, especially with
                              interaction and company.        the help of professional intervention.

                                   However, what rein-
                                     forces this myth is
                                     how  individuals               References
                                     with ASD have dif-
                                     ficulties  in  social          Chen Y-W, Bundy A, Cordier R, Chien
                                    settings,      which            Y-L, Einfeld S. The Experience of So-
                                   makes it difficult for           cial Participation Among Individuals
                                                                    with Autism Spectrum Disorders.
                                  them to express what              2016; 46(4):1403-14.
                                  they want or use and

                                  interpret non-verbal              Hutt, C. (1969). Exploration, Arousal
                                  cues, such as interpre-           and Autism. 1969; 33(1), 1-8.
                                 tation of body language            Mazurek MO. Loneliness, Friendship,
                                and  people’s  feelings.            and Well-Being in Adults with Autism
                                 These challenges cause             Spectrum Disorders.
                                                                    2014; 18(3):223-32.
                                    individuals  with
                                      ASD to feel that
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