Page 10 - Freshmen Welcome Newsletter
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        ADU Platforms:

        My ADU APPS:

        Once you get accepted into the university, you will receive an email with your student ID and a password.

        Go to, type your information, and then change the password. You
        can use the same ID and password for all ADU websites. From this site, you can access your university email,
        blackboard, PeopleSoft, and ADU Groups.

        •   To get you ADU ID, please follow these steps:

        •   To get more assistance from IT, please follow these steps:

        Microsoft Teams:

        Microsoft Teams is a video conference software used by ADU students and faculty as the main source of
        communication. There, you will have your online lessons if you are studying online, or find class recordings
        in case you missed a class. To join classes, just use your calendar. You will be sent a notification that the class
        started, so all you have to do is join by clicking on ‘Join’ on the bright blue session on your calendar.

        Abu Dhabi University | ADU Freshman Guide 23-24
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