Page 26 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 26
26 voice · FALL 2023
aesthetics from the current ones is the
heavy use of wide-reaching internet
and unrealistic; people are meant to and social media applications. Whilst
grow, change, and evolve. “I like this the past generations had very limited
shirt, but it doesn’t fit my aesthetic,” aesthetic subcultures, Generation Z
or, “I like two aesthetics, and I don’t has the ability to create and spread
know which one to choose,” are some a brand new aesthetic with a simple
expressions I have heard that ironically click of a button. Due to this, aesthet-
prove the point. Humans are complex ics have been stripped of and isolated
individuals and forcing themselves into from the skills and functions they orig-
one category can be deemed unhealthy inated from. This can be seen with the
and unnecessary. incompetent use of fast fashion to fit
Of course, this article is not going into thousands of never-ending and
to stop the millions of people who post unsustainable micro-trends.
videos and curate their feeds to look Most of Generation Z is under the age
a certain way. However, it is import- of twenty-five, and everyone is simply
ant to remember that a fifteen-second trying to figure out who they are. There
TikTok video does not accurately por- is no denying that these aesthetics and
tray someone’s life. The amount of time subcultures can aid in finding a sense
some people spend trying to perfect a of identity and belonging. Nevertheless,
five-second clip of themselves flipping it is important to remember that these
through a book is probably more than aesthetics should be used as a guide
the time they have spent reading it. We rather than a rule book. There is
live in an age where people are heavily nothing wrong with enjoying many dif-
dependent on social media presence ferent types of aesthetics and making
and are obsessed with trying to appear an amalgamation of your own. We are
substantial through visualizations multi-faceted beings and should be able
rather than real-life actions. It is evi- to enjoy different genres of music and
dent that aesthetics do not just involve fashion styles without them having
fashion, but also music, movies, books, to be cohesive. Trends are constantly
room decorations, and much more. changing, and so is everyone’s percep-
This desire to fit into different cat- tion. The best you can do is to slowly let
egorizations and labels is not a new go of any restrictions and expectations,
phenomenon. Previous generations enjoy the things you love, and try to be
had their own aesthetics as well, from the most authentic and genuine version
goth to punk and even wave. However, of yourself. Hey, let’s even create a label
what differentiates the previous for that – how about genuinecore?