Page 8 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 8

         08  voice   · FALL 2023


                          the answer ?

          WRITTEN BY HALA ABED RABBO (1075569)

                    usic has played an essential role
                    in our lives. It has built our beings,
         M refined  our  feelings,  influenced
         our behaviour, developed our mental and

         intellectual abilities, expressed everything
         immortal in the human soul and developed
             Because of this formative influence of
         music, I think that every child should get the
         opportunity to reap its benefits. Children’s
         lives  are  heavily  influenced  by  music  in
         many  nations.  It’s  incredible  how  wide-
         spread sound systems are in homes today.
             I was always utterly amazed because, as
         someone who knows a lot about music, I know
         the value and size of its impact on people, but

         to see an entire society understand this and
         work to combine it is impressive. During my
         visit to a French friend, I was surprised that
         they distributed a monthly amount to attend
         music concerts. When I asked the father
         about it, he told me that his father was doing
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