Page 7 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 7

FALL 2023 ·   voice 07

                                                              have ignored, overlooked, or never even
                                                              considered. Feedback and constructive crit-
                                                              icism can help us improve and grow. As a

                                                              perfectionist, I love taking any opportunity
                                                              to improve myself.

                                                              Thirdly, fight back. I’m not trying to get
                                                              anyone into any trouble by inducing violence
                                                              in any shape or form. But fighting fire with
                                                              a little fire doesn’t necessarily mean that
                                                              the whole house will burn down. We need
                                                              to stand up for ourselves and protect our
                                                              necks (totally unrelated to the highly popular
                                                              Wu-Tang Clan song). Moreover, we shouldn’t
                                                              let people cross our red lines because once

                                                              they do, it’s hunting season. And as majestic
                                                              as a deer’s antlers might look, we do not want
                                                              to be a target like that. Imagine being a stuff-
                                                              ing on a mantle. Now that’s a disappointing
                                                              fashion statement.

                                                  more            Lastly, handle self-criticism with care.
                               positive thoughts. A bit       While self-criticism can help us to better

                               like  how,  in  a  game  of    understand our faults and areas for
                              basketball,  a  teammate        improvement, overdosing on the negative
                        shields the player with the ball      inner thoughts we have about ourselves, our
         from the defender. It’s like a bigger player         actions, or our characteristics is also unhelp-
         protecting  the  quarterback  in  American           ful. If we focus more on self-criticism than
         football. Although many of us aren’t active          on self-belief, we risk losing our self-esteem.
         players of these sports, we can all harness          That is one boxing match we cannot afford
         these strategies to mentally kick goals, even        to lose.
         against the mighty offensive of the most neg-
         ative critiques.                                     Who? What? When? Where? Why? How?
                                                              Criticism will always enter our lives from
             Secondly, try not to take things per-            different angles. Aristotle once wrote that

         sonally. I’m sure we’re all aware that words         the only way to avoid criticism was to do
         mixed with harsh truths can be a hurtful             nothing, say nothing and be nothing.  Since
         concoction. But, sometimes, criticism can be         that’s not a very realistic or productive path,
         constructive. This type of criticism helps us        we need to armour ourselves with strategies
         see things from a new perspective. Also, it          such as the ones mentioned above so that
         provides further context to things we may            criticism is longer a boogeyman.
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