Page 6 - ADU Voice Volume 3 Issue 1
P. 6
06 voice · FALL 2023
Using criticism as a tool for positive change
hat does criticism mean exactly? can be criticized at any time.
If we look this word up in a dictio- Where? We can be criticized at
W nary, we’ll find that it refers to the any place. Why? We can be crit-
expression of dissatisfaction with someone’s icized for constructive or negative
or something’s perceived flaws or errors. It is reasons. How? We can be criticized in any
an evaluation everyone faces in every stage way.
of life. But that sounds like a lot of jargon, Essentially, no one is exempt from crit-
right? icism from anyone, about anything, at
In layman’s terms, which I think is more any time, from any place, for any reason.
interesting, I would redefine criticism as that Criticism attacks our egos and insecuri-
verbal or mental ninja waiting in the shad- ties, especially when it happens in front of
ows, watching our every move, and pouncing a group of people. This begs the question:
on us when we’re at our most vulnerable and How does one beat criticism or, at the very
least expect it. Isn’t that definition easier to least, reduce its significant and possessive
picture in our heads? The famous Rockwell power over us? Fortunately, following some
lyric somewhat applies here, “I always feel guidelines can help.
like somebody’s watching me.”
Now here’s an interesting thought which Firstly, stop listening. If we can’t hear
may sound a bit strange but bear with me. them, they can’t hurt us. And, no, I’m not
Criticism hits us from these six angles: Who? talking about wearing earplugs during an F1
We can be criticized by anyone. What? We race. Rather, we need to block out the sound of
can be criticized for anything. When? We criticism mentally, actively replacing it with