Page 9 - ADU Voice
P. 9

FALL 2022 ·   voice 09

         unlike in older times when one would be              improves employee happiness and loyalty
         glued to the same workplace for years on             by enabling them to attend to pressing com-
         end. Therefore, it is now up to organizations        mitments  that  otherwise  would  require
         to decide how they want to design and repre-         official leaves. Similarly, the opportunity to
         sent their workplace for this vibrant young          collaborate alongside great minds, overcome
         world outside.                                       challenges and make contributions to orga-
                                                              nizational success are also known to provide
         Establishing a happy workplace may sound             happiness.
         like a challenge but is actually rather simple

         if one comes down to closely analyzing               Promoting a positive working environment
         it. While the ‘macro’ factors concerning             grounded in trust is a virtue that organiza-
         employees are usually standardized in orga-          tions must look at acquiring. For instance,
         nizations, it is the ‘micro’ that improves the       having a chill-out room with couches for
         happiness quotient at work. For example, if          employees  to take a  break when  needed
         a company allows flexible working sched-             could offer some rejuvenating relief and
         ules and encourages work-life balance, it            increase productivity and creativity.
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