Page 4 - ADU Voice
P. 4

04  voice   · FALL 2022

         A HELLO

         AND A



                     hat is it about our first memo-          a small fish in a big pond. Here I was, a girl
                     ries that make those moments             coming from a small school in which I knew

          W so special? Like the first day of                 everybody and entering a university that
         kindergarten, or the first present we ever           had endless unfamiliar faces.
         received, or the first friend we ever made?
         Maybe it’s the particular emotion that gets          Truth be told, the transition from a school
         attached to the first memory, a combination          to a university is always daunting. What if
         that never leaves us. So it is with my memory        I embarrass myself in front of these new
         of coming to university for the very first           people?  What  if  I  am  unable  to  find  my
         time.                                                classroom?

         The 8th of January 2018, the day I walked            That sense of unfamiliarity and nervousness
         into Abu Dhabi University for my first day of        filled my first few weeks. But here is the thing
         classes. It was a chilly morning but the fire in     about places: once you become familiar with

         me to get started compensated for the cold.          them, they become your home. And so hap-
         The first time I entered through the gates of        pened with this university. It became a place
         the University, I was experiencing so many           that I knew like the back of my hand. The
         emotions at the same time. The nerves and            people here became my family. The offices
         the excitement combined is definitely not            section that felt like a jumbled maze those
         a pleasant cocktail, if you ask me. Walking          first scary days? I quickly felt that I could
         into that shiny building had me feeling like         find my way around blindfolded.
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