Page 10 - ADU Voice
P. 10

10  voice  · FALL 2022

         That  is  where  mutual  trust  develops.            are making a real contribution to the bigger
         Employees at any workplace wish to feel              picture, making a difference, having a sense
         cared for and valued and that is how they            of ownership and feeling like their presence
         distinguish their situation from others’             matters.
         when they compare happiness quotients.

         For example, Ali and Badr are in a conver-           Additionally, when team members get along
         sation where both work twelve hours a day,           well, their productivity naturally improves
         but  Ali feels happier because  his place of         as they enjoy learning from each other.
         work provides some places where he can               Memories are shorter and expectations are
         destress. Companies such as Zoom Video               higher now, so young employees need to
         Communications, Google, Apple, Medela and            feel they are happy in order to stay engaged
         UIPath offer evidence that such initiatives          in  the  organization.  Of  course,  young
         foster employee happiness at work in today’s         employees may need to be reminded of the
         multi-faceted professional landscape (Ward,          importance of working productively and effi-
         2020).                                               ciently, as well, but that message is better
                                                              received when they come from an attitude
                                                              of happiness.

                                                              In conclusion, when organizations make
                                                              happiness at work a strategic goal of orga-
                                                              nizations to draw and engage young talent
              There is a clear
                                                              and gain competitive advantage, positive
              ‘What’s in it for me?’                          word of mouth and market perception of a
              outlook in youngsters                           company  presents the organization as an

              and organizations                               ‘employer of choice’. If someone is happy
              need to prepare to                              with his professional life, it shows in his
                                                              social dealings and interactions. People are
              tackle this question.
                                                              the one distinguishing resource in the suc-
                                                              cess of an organization and their happiness
                                                              supports the sustainable development of any
         The  current  generation  of  youngsters  is         business. So, can happiness and work co-ex-
         highly motivated by rewards and recogni-             ist? You bet they can.
         tion, especially if they come as direct benefits.
         There is a clear ‘What’s in it for me?’ outlook
         and organizations need to be prepared to
         tackle this question in a mutually reward-
         ing relationship. They need to constantly                           An Instructor of Management

         upgrade their engagement initiatives in                             in the College of Business,
                                                                             Ms. Prerna is currently com-
         order to stay abreast of youth expectations,              pleting her Doctorate in Business
         attitudes, emotions, moods and divergent                  Administration (DBA). Her main field of
         personalities. Once attracted, there needs                research is the recruitment and selec-
         to be equal rigor in efforts to retain employ-            tion of employees, which lies within the
         ees. Research has constantly suggested that               larger discipline of HRM and OB.
         people feel happy at work if they feel they
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