Page 8 - ADU Voice
P. 8

08  voice   · FALL 2022



                 & work


                    BY MS. PRERNA KUMARI

            How are organizations evolving
           to attract and retain Generation
             Z graduates, the first “digitally

            native” generation? Ms. Prerna
               shares her insights on this
                  contemporary debate.

                 our years at ADU have passed more            ideas of what life in the working world is
                 quickly than you ever imagined pos-          really like and discuss their thoughts with
         Y sible.  All those projects and exams               peers and alumni who are already working,
         that constantly kept you so occupied are             which shapes their perceptions and expec-
         slowly becoming distant memories.  You               tations. They wish to be successful, work on
         sharpened your CV and cover letter skills            challenging tasks, and forge beneficial rela-
         in FWS305, aced your interview, and finally          tionships also balancing their physical health
         landed your first employment.  You are really        and mental well-being.
         happy about getting the job, but are you

         really happy about the job itself?                   Contemporary youth exemplify the fact that
                                                              humans are attracted to happiness like bees
         Our university corridors are brimming with           to nectar. Word of mouth spreads like rapid
         students nurturing dreams of ideal future            fire through discussion and social media,
         workplaces where they are happy, making              strongly influencing the decision-making
         meaningful contributions and earning com-            process of young people today. Their loyal-
         petitive  incomes.  They  have  a  myriad  of        ties easily shift based on positive feedback,
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