Page 14 - ADU Voice
P. 14

14  voice  · FALL 2022


              & FEARS

                    BY VIOLET SARAH PRINCE

           Everyone’s afraid of something —

          or a lot of things. However, a fear is
             not the same as a true phobia.

                                                                      hobia is derived from the Greek term
                                                                      “phobos” which means “fear”. Let me
                                                              P define what a phobia is: A phobia is an
                                                              intense and overwhelming fear of an object,
                                                              place, situation, emotion, or animal. Phobias
                                                              appear when a person has an excessive or

                                                              unrealistic fear of an object or a circum-
                                                              stance. While most of you might have heard
                                                              of common phobias such as fear of heights
                                                              (acrophobia) or enclosed spaces (claustro-
                                                              phobia), there is a whole range of strange
                                                              phobias to explore. Here are five weird and
                                                              unusual phobias you may not have heard of!

                                                              Fear of mirrors

                                                              This is the fear of mirrors or of seeing your

                                                              own reflection in a mirror. People usually
                                                              have this fear when they are not confident
                                                              regarding their body.  They feel that mir-
                                                              rors distort the way they look in reality.  You
                                                              won’t hear a person suffering from eisoptro-
                                                              phobia say anything like, “Mirror, mirror,
                                                              on the wall. Who’s the fairest of them all?”
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