Page 11 - ADU Voice
P. 11

FALL 2022 ·   voice 11


                 of ADU
                 of ADU

                 & RABIYA SHAUKAT

                 We interact with various people all the
                 time, but have you ever wondered what
                 really makes them tick? We asked 5
                 wonderful humans at ADU.

                                                                     Tarteel Jaafar M. Salih

                                                                     CAS Academic Advisor

                                                                     I recently read this quote “It is never too
                                                                     late to be what you might have been.” and
                                                                     I think it’s the perfect motto for my life.
                                                                     There are 4 key factors that have brought
                                                                     me to this point. First, having encouraging
                                                                     superiors. Second, being receptive to new
                                                                     experiences. Third, appreciating every
                                                                     encounter with students and coworkers.
                                                                     Fourth, self-reflection. I hope to have the
                                                                     small things I’ve done to be remembered
                                                                     once I’m gone. Like, “Oh, I remember how
                                                                     she made statistics so simple” or “My favorite
                                                                     sweet was the caramel she had in her office.”
                                                                     To ADU students, I’d say, “Follow your study
                                                                     plan and open your heart to your advisor.”
                                                                     That, and also, “Create your opportunities.”
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