Page 7 - ADU Voice
P. 7

FALL 2022 ·   voice 07

                  ave you ever looked out the window          own kingdom and everything you see was
                  and wondered how life would be              made only for you.
         H without overthinking? Some people
         perceive life as a chore that needs to be            How I feel being around nature has also
         done. However, life is much prettier than            helped me improve myself in different ways.

         that. Just pause for a while and leave all           For example, these places full of happiness
         your work and responsibilities for a while           have helped me discover a lot about myself,
         and look around you. Life is full of wonder-         including my love for photography. I never
         ful endeavors that can help you get over             thought that I could take good pictures or
         your challenges and explore yourself more            even have an interest in photography, but
         deeply. Looking at nature can be the first           whenever I am alone in nature, far from all
         step you take to look at your life differently       the stress and life in general, I tend to take a
         and increase your productivity.                      lot of pictures as I am amazed by the beauty
                                                              in front of my eyes and want to keep these
         Nature gives you a space to calm your feel-          amazing views and memories with me.
         ings after a difficult day and forget about all
         the surroundings. It can help you explore

         yourself and get to know your hidden abili-
         ties. A famous example would be the scientist
         Isaac Newton who discovered gravity with
         the help of nature. He would have not been
         able to do that if the apple had not fallen on            By incorporating
         his head. Moreover, he would have not been                nature into our lives,
         able to reach where he did if he had not had              we allow ourselves to
         a calm space to think and use his mind.                   be changed from the

                                                                   inside in wonderful
         Nature can help you improve your per-
         spectives. From my experience, nature has                 ways.
         helped me to understand that in every dark
         place, there is a ray of light. Sometimes, life
         can get rough, and you will feel like giving up      Taking photos made me realize that I could
         because of the challenges you face. However,         be a photographer one day and that is when
         spending time in nature has taught me that           I started to take photos all the time. In this
         giving up is like accepting failure. A plant         article, I have shared some of the pictures my
         can struggle against all odds to survive – like      aunt and I took (we are a family that loves
         a small tree growing out of a rock – but it          photography).
         perseveres against all odds.

                                                              Through spending time in nature, I discov-
         Nature can also change your whole life and           ered inner strengths and talents that I never
         your thinking. Whenever I am stressed, I             knew I had. This happened because I chose
         tend to sit near places full of greenery or          to live in a world of calmness and perceive
         in front of the sea. The feeling that nature         life differently. By incorporating nature into
         gives you, no one else can, as nature can            our lives, we allow ourselves to be changed
         make you feel that you are living in your            from the inside in wonderful ways.
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