Page 5 - ADU Voice
P. 5
FALL 2022 · voice 05
Fast forward five years. When I had to step individuals who were helping me to break
into the university for my very last exam, free of all those fears and limiting beliefs.
all the first day memories came rushing in
waves. The person I was a few short years When it came to taking initiatives, my pro-
ago was still somewhere beneath these shiny fessors encouraged me get out of my shell
floors. The person who was intimidated and and be more vocal about my ideas. As a
did not know how to use her voice. That girl result, I found a different kind of courage
was still somewhere behind these walls that allowed me to be free and speak my
looking at the person I had become, smiling mind, important skills for someone studying
fondly. in a field that requires the constant sharing
of feedback. After five years at this univer-
When I joined this university, I was a shy sity, I am happy to confess that I have grown
19-year-old student who took the brave into a much more confident individual
step to venture into the world of broadcast who understands herself better and
journalism, a major that requires one to knows what she wants to achieve
step out of ones’ comfort zone on a regu- in life.
lar basis. Prior to entering the university, I
was someone who never took initiatives. I So if you are a new student who
was always that quiet girl in the class who has just joined the university
barely answered questions. I never stepped and feels frightened to step into
into leadership positions, even though deep this new world, I would like to tell you
down I always felt like it was my true calling. that you are not alone.
I had so many ideas constantly buzzing in
my head, but I never ended up sharing those We all went through similar
ideas. Maybe it was the lack of confidence experiences. This is only the
or a hint of insecurity. Or was it the fear of beginning. I am sure when
the what ifs; what if my idea is not received you step out of this place,
well? What if they don’t like my idea? The you will also end up calling
what ifs were something I carried with me it “home”. You will have
into university, as well. countless memories to
cherish, countless people
At first, finding friends was an impossible who you will call friends, and
task for an introvert like me. It was some- countless mentors who you will
thing that made me extremely nervous from never forget.
day one. How do you even make friends in
the first place? Apart from the fact that I So go on, say hello to that
had googled up this question at least seven student sitting next to you
times before starting out, the fresher’s get-to- in class, have lunch with
gether was an immense help. The games I someone sitting by them-
played and the interactions I had allowed me selves in the cafeteria,
to break the ice and thankfully make some run for positions at the
friends who I could talk to during my time student council, and
off after classes. Before I realized it, I was be who you always
surrounding myself with numerous talented dreamed to be.