Page 2 - ADU Voice
P. 2

02  voice   · FALL 2022

         Editor’s note                                                       Meet

                                                                             the team

                                             ne of the
                                             best rewards
                                    O of serving as
                                    Editor-in-Chief of the
                                    ADU Voice e-magazine is
                                    being actively engaged in               Rabiya Shaukat       Heba M. Zaher
                                    a platform that enables                 (1075090)            Naba (1084687)
                                    students to showcase their              Assistant Editor     Journalist

                                    creativity.  Through weekly
                                    meetings, the ADU Voice
                                    team discusses the respon-
         sibilities of each member, the articles to be included
         in the upcoming issue, and the design of the magazine,
         among other topics, so that when published, it is of a
         quality that ADU can be proud. In this issue, nature
         comes alive through photography, mysteries of the first            Rejoy Thomas         Lynn Abiddi
         year experience and beyond are revealed, and we get                Mathew (1084701)     (1083873)
         to know a handful of ADU staff members better. Along               Journalist, Designer  Designer
         the way, we’ve included poetry, artwork and other

         informative articles to ensure that you will enjoy every
         minute spent with this magazine. So, get a cup of tea
         or coffee, relax in your favorite comfy place, and enjoy
         this edition of ADU Voice.

         Many thanks to the students and staff who contributed
         to this issue, to the faculty team who kept us on our              Salma Amjad          Dr. Richa Goyal
         toes, and to the CAS dean, Dr. Sreethi Nair, for support-          Mubarak (1080086) (Faculty)
         ing our efforts to engage students in a meaningful way.            Designer             Team Coordinator

         Last but not least, the ADU Voice team thanks Fatima
         Mohammad Abdullah for her contributions as a jour-
         nalist and designer in the team over the past
         year. We wish her well as she begins the
         next stage of her life. Until next time,

         Violet Sarah Prince (1080030)
         Editor-in-Chief                                                    Mr. Shannon          Ms. Duha
                                                                            Glasgow (Faculty)    Lababidi (Faculty)
                                                                            Head of English      Head of Design &
              adu_voice           ADU Voice                                 Writing              Arabic Writing
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