Page 14 - ADU Voice
P. 14
ON predators are our cats.
DREAMING It might be useful out in the jungle, but you
could argue that we don't need that anymore
living in our cozy houses where the only apex
Many researchers have embraced an Occam's
razor, the simplest answer with the least
to dreaming. The path of least resistance usually
Have you ever asked yourself, "Why do we explanations needed for justification, approach
dream”? Dreaming has existed for as long as prevails in nature, so it's no surprise that experts
we have. For something that's been a part of see this as the most rational explanation. The
us for eons, of the countless mysteries our best answer is the "Activation-Synthesis Hypothesis".
and brightest have solved, you’d think we’d have A.S.H. says that dreaming is nothing more than
cracked it by now. It's such a simple question, our brain sending electrical impulses pulling up
yet experts get caught in endless debates random memories and thoughts, combining
on the exact purpose of dreaming for human them into strange, sometimes incoherent,
beings. I don't blame them. It would be hard adventures. A top-notch explanation as to
for anyone to come up with a practical reason why you'd dream of golfing with King Kong in
behind someone’s dream of enjoying a lobster Florida. Interestingly enough, there's testimony
dinner with their cat on the moon. to the theory that all our dreams are nothing
but chemical and electrical impulses. A good
indicator of that is how we usually dream about
However, people have made up numerous
reasons and explanations as to why our minds what's on our minds the most before we tuck
create incredible fantasies in the silent stillness ourselves into bed. Our brains simply tug on the
of blissful sleep. The more scientifically inclined most recent thoughts and memories to get the
would say that dreams are our cognitions job done.
running scenarios and solving problems it thinks
it might have. Dreaming could even be a way for On the other side of the debate, a more mystical
our subconscious to express our desires. On the spiritual reasoning behind our ability to dream.
other hand, people that seek a more spiritual As a preface, you could fill thousands of pages
meaning believe dreams are our connection to purely on the ideologies and theories of a few
spiritual guidance through the impossible and major religions' views on dreams, let alone
abstract dreamscape. Depending on who you the hundreds of minor ones. Therefore, there
ask, both sides of the argument would tell you will always be differences in comparing those
that they've got a more plausible conclusion. ideologies. Although a lot of main themes
However, the very immaterial nature of dreams endure when looking at the otherworldly aspect
makes proving either of those reasons a of dreaming.
For instance, many people believe that dreams
are a way for oneself to have guidance, usually
Science explains dreaming as a function
executed by the brain as a means to an end. as puzzling visual analogies, on their future or
Dreaming for a purpose. Our brains could be current problems.
using dreams to run scenarios to anticipate
threats and find out how we'd fare in solving Have you ever had a distinctly strong feeling of
them. While that may make it seem like our deja vu in certain situations? That could have
brains are playing dress-up pretending to be been a precognitive dream you forgot about,
the avengers, it is a highly studied theory with warning you of the tomato soup you just spilled
significant scientific support. on your white shirt. Of course, the meanings and
messages behind ominous dreams are usually
more meaningful and thought-provoking than
tomato soup shirt stains.