Page 11 - ADU Voice
P. 11

For example, if you have actually sat and taught  Our  academic  tutors  grew.  They  were  able  to
        someone else, it does two or three things. First,  collaborate  and  come  up  with  new  programs
        it  reinforces  your  own  knowledge,  cause  the  and new ideas. So for us, it has been superb!
        best way to learn something is to teach others.
        Number two, it improves your communication  You mentioned that facing  the shift
        skills. Three, it allows you to set a network. Now  was  not  very  difficult.  So  what  were  the
        for example, Fatima, if I had come to you as a  innovations made  to the learning model
        student and you have built a relationship with  for the  Academic  Success Centre  during
        me,  then  you  know  that  in  five  or  six  months  this time?
        when  you  needed  help  with  something,  you  That’s  a  great  question,  thank  you  for  asking.
        could  always  come  to  me  and  say  “Hey,  I  So  basically,  what  we  did  was  immediately
        remember  from  my  conversations  you  were  we  merged  the  two  centers,  so  now  it  is
        working on this. Could you have a look at this  one  Academic  Success  Center.  The  second
        for me?” Right? So, it is reciprocal.  You build a  innovation that we had was that we immediately
        network  of  peers.  I  believe  all  of  those  things  switched to tutoring online. In the past students
        are really important for students to learn and to  used to come physically to the center, obviously
        develop these skills. We encourage our students  now,  we  are  doing  things  online.  Immediately
        to  lead  and  deliver  workshops.  We  have  a  we  set  a  schedule  (by  the  way  everything  is
        second  semester  student  this  year  leading  a  published on ADU Groups. You can do all your
        workshop  on  “Why  do  I  sleep  so  much?”  You  bookings, everything, through ADU Groups). So,
        know, helping them build their own confidence,  that platform (ADU Groups) also really helped
        their  communication,  networking,  teaching,  us because it helped us now to merge the two
        tutoring,  all  of  these  things.                   ASCs  and  now  the  student  can  see  it  as  one.
                                                             Group  sessions  went  online,  the  peer  tutors
        How well equipped  is the ASC in meeting  went online. And I think the fact that you have
        the students’ learning  and study needs? a  common  platform  in  Teams  really  facilitates
        I believe we are really well equipped. We have  the  tutoring.  So,  we  used  technology  to  our
        five  professional  academic  tutors,  who  are  advantage,  essentially.
        there.  They  run  group  sessions  and  one-on-
        one  sessions.  Then  we  have  about  25  course  What are  the different ways  in which
        assistants,  we  have  about  70  peer  tutors  and  students are encouraged  to utilize the
        then  we  will  also  have  40-30  peer  mentors.  benefits  of  the  ASC?
        Our  problem  isn’t  that  we  are  equipped.  Our  That’s a great question. So, the first thing that
        problem is that people still don’t know that we  we do is when the freshmen orientation is held,
        are there and that they can come to us for free. we talk to the students about the ASC so that
                                                             we kind of plant it at the beginning. The second
        Speaking of the previous academic year, we  thing that we do is that for all freshmen classes,
        went through the unprecedented  change  and all College of Arts and Science courses, the
        of the shift to a new learning medium. How  academic tutors, peer mentors, and peer tutors
        challenging was it for the Academic Success  visit  the  classrooms  to  let  the  students  know
        Centre to face this new change?                      that there is this free service.
        Not very difficult I would say. I think in fact we  They show them how to book an appointment.
        made the switch almost immediately. What was  They show them how to come to ADU Groups,
        happening was that we were running a center  or to contact their academic tutors directly. The
        in Abu Dhabi and a center in Al Ain, and the two  third thing is that we also talk to the faculty, we
        were kind of being run separately. But with the  inform them we are around to offer help. Plus,
        online sessions everything merged. And I think  there are certain courses where we actually have
        what ended up happening is that we became  started  a  course  assistant  program,  and  the
        stronger  as  a  unit.  Because  now  is  it  of  Ms.  assistant works very closely with the professor in
        Beena running her ASC in Abu Dhabi with two  the classroom and the professor then will send
        people and me running it in Al Ain with three, we  students who need help to the course assistant.
        were able to combine, join forces, our programs
        became  stronger.
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