Page 12 - ADU Voice
P. 12

And the course assistant is assigned to a course. For example, the Math, Science, English, and
        Mass Comm courses now have their own dedicated course assistants. The other thing we also do
        is that we have allowed every College of Arts and Sciences faculty, with the approval of the Dean,
        to give three extra credit marks to every student who comes to the ASC for a minimum of three
        hours and who shows an improvement in his or her performance.

        How successful has the ASC been in improving students’ academic performances?
        So these’s some research that we are actually undertaking right now to see the role that the ASC
        plays in the success of the students. To be perfectly honest, I would say we have a long way to go,
        because we are still kind of identifying processes and systems. But for those students who know
        that the ASC exists and are not motivated to come, so it is about motivation, right, Fatima? It is also
        sometimes self-admission that you actually need help. Everybody can’t be good at everything.
        Everybody has room for improvement in certain things. And we don’t judge anybody for coming
        to us. We have created a very safe learning environment. And I think this is the key. All the services
        done  are  confidential  between  the  tutor  and  tutee.  It  is  a  non-judgmental  and  confidential
        environment. To answer your question directly, we have a way to go because the students who
        actually need help are not motivated to come.

                                                                                        Written by Fatima Abdullah
                                                                                                    ID: 1066446
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