Page 18 - ADU Voice
P. 18

You never
                 know!                                       "This is beautiful and spacious. But it’s too far
                                                             from  my  farm  and  my  home."  Eric  muttered,
                                                             sadly.  How  would  his  daughter  come  to  the
                                                             farm  to  meet  her  horses?!
                                                             "This is the only land left to show you. I don't
                                                             think  any  more  land  is  left,  either,  as  you  can
        Life may sound like a four-letter word, but when  see the number of farmers is increasing day by
        you start to understand the meaning that lies  day." The middleman who showed the land to
        beneath those four-letter words, you may find  Eric spoke out. Eric nodded at him and walked
        yourself in a trap, for life is anything but easy  back to his car.
        and you would always come across a one hurdle  "I will let you know about my decision." Eric got
        or an other.                                         in his car and the driver drove them back to the
        But  that  does  not  mean  you  could  become  farmer's home.
        selfish,  does  it  now?                             "Hon! I'm home!" Eric called out for his wife, on
        It was one fine, or you may say, beautiful morning  getting  inside  his  home.  "How  was  the  land,
        and  Eric  wanted  nothing  but  to  believe  that  Eric?" His wife, Nancy, got settled beside him on
        today,  this  beauty  of  the  morning  might  take  the  couch.
        him to his right destination. He was anxious. He  "It  was  pretty  good,  but  it’s  too  far  from  our
        was feeling nervous that maybe this land cannot  place. How will Maria go and meet her horses
        be his, and he might be left with nothing.           if  we  keep  the  horses  there?"  Eric  spoke  his
        Eric Thompson was a farmer. A rich farmer, who  worries  out.
        had a large farm with flocks of sheep. He was a  "I  don't  understand,  Eric.  We  already  have
        kind man who fed the poor. He had a beautiful  everything we wanted. Why would you listen to
        wife and was the father of three daughters and  Maria's ever expensive wishes? Let it go. Maybe
        one  son.  His  life  was  everything  that  a  man  it’s not for us." Nancy pointed out.
        would ever want.                                     "Nancy!  It’s  for  my  child,  and  I  can't  see  her
                                                             tearing up for anything." Eric stood up and left
        It was also a fact that Eric was a family man, and  to his room while Nancy let out a defeated sigh.
        he loved his daughters more than anyone in the  "I  hope  it  takes  us  to  something  good."  she
        world, . She was a 7 year-old who was interested  prayed  in  her  heart.
        about horses. While her sisters and brother took  "Yes, It's Eric speaking. What? Really? I'm coming."
        care of their father's sheep, she loved spending  Eric spoke over the phone before walking out of
        time  with  her  white  horse,  Natt.  Recently,  she  his home, and soon he was standing in front of
        had a large dream of having Haras of Horses.         a huge rainforest.
        The next day, it got into Eric's ears, and there  "But I will have to cut trees to build a farm in
        was no turning back then. He was ready to get  here."  Eric  said.
        all the horses for his little girl, but what came as  "Yes, you must. But this forest is closer to your
        an issue was a place for them. He did not have  hometown,  so  you  can  bring  your  child  once
        place in his farm to keep horses.                    a  day,  to  take  care  of  your  horses,"  Frederick,
        That was a dilemma!                                  his friend said, and Eric started to think about
        Since  then,  he  started  to  look  for  places  to  it. Being a farmer, he knew that cutting down
        have  a  separate  farm  where  he  could  keep  a  trees would only cause harm, but his daughter's
        stable  of  horses.  Even  though  it  was  to  fulfill  smile was the only thing that mattered to him
        his daughter's wish, he could raise more than  for now. "It won't harm to the nature too much,
        one of horse stables by having a separate farm,  Eric. You're just going to take an acre of forest."
        which  would  increase  his  income.                 Frederick  added.
        "We are here, Sir." the driver, who was driving  "I'll go with it. Let us start cutting down trees
        Eric's car broke his reverie. Eric got out of the  from tomorrow." Eric said and Frederick nodded
        car and had a look at the land where he might  in  agreement.
        be able to build a the horses stables.
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