Page 15 - ADU Voice
P. 15

There  have  been  numerous  precedents  Almost  like  a  trial  version  of  death,  our  souls
        of  dreams  as  a  way  to  interpret  and  solve  escape  us  briefly  every  night  to  wander  the
        problems in real life. A famous example in Islam  cosmos in a tragically beautiful rehearsal for the
        is the story of Prophet Yousef (as) saving Egypt  unavoidable  conclusion  to  our  play.
        from a disastrous drought by interpreting the
        Pharaoh's  recurring  dreams.                        It  might  all  seem  hard  to  believe  conjecture,
                                                             but at the same time, it's also hard to disprove
        The  ancient  Greeks  believed  in  the  influence  since you can't quantify or collect data on a soul.
        of dreams on real-life, as well. Historically, they  Research on actual data on the spiritual aspect
        had many stories of oracles and fortune-tellers  of dreams is also hard to find. There are no PhDs
        using dreams to predict the future.                  in Soulology, unfortunately.

        Philosophers  had  their  own  opinions  on  the  Regardless  of  your  view  on  the  plausibility  or
        topic,  as  well.  Aristotle,  the  renowned  scholar,  deniability  of  each  argument,  sleep  is  still  a
        investigated  the  authenticity  behind  dreams  necessity for the average human. Drink as many
        having  precognition.  He  concluded  that  while  coffees and RedBulls as they want, but people
        most  people  claiming  to  have  had  prophetic  have to slip into their bed at some point. Dreams
        dreams  are  coincidences,  some  dreams  could  are part of us, inescapable blessings.
        truly  hold  significance  to  future  events.  For  a
        man whose job was to question everything, his  A  delightful  dream  weighs  down  your  eyelids
        conclusion  should  hold  some  weight.              and blankets as heavy as can be so the prospect
                                                             of leaving your bed in the morning becomes one
        Spirituality stresses the importance of dreams  of the hardest things you ever have to do. The
        to our souls and our growth not only in real life  promise of a pleasant dream is a gentle song
        but metaphysically as well.                          inviting you to pull up your covers.

        Dreams are illustrations from the                                    Written by Mohammad Habib Abdullah
        book your soul is writing about you..                                                       ID: 1062285
        Marsha Norman.

        A prevailing school of thought is that our dreams
        are just memories of our souls interacting with
        the universe when our physical selves are fast
        asleep.  Astral  projection  has  had  a  basis  in
        many cultures as a way to explore life through
        a waking dream. Seeing a friend or loved one in
        your dreams could mean that your souls met in
        the vastness of the cosmos the night before. It
        isn't a surprise that dreams and souls are then
        seen  as  two  sides  of  the  same  coin  by  many
        spiritualists. This lends to the idea that people
        aren't  even  close  to  fully  comprehending  the
        absurdly  massive  number  of  mysteries  the
        universe  contains.

        Cultures around the world have expressed that
        sleep is a kind of "little death" or "la petit mort",
        as the French put it.
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