Page 9 - ADU Voice
P. 9

“US”                                                 “SCRIPTURE”

        Through mountains and valleys                        I dreamed a dream
        we've walked                                         of you and me
        through deeply shivering waters                      as we walked along the shore
        we've swum
        through dry dreary deserts                           it was too quiet
        we've trekked                                        a little violent
                                                             the waves, they slashed and broke
        but really that's nothing
        nothing at all                                       the shore
        nothing because I have you                           it flicked the sand
        because we are us                                    into my eyes and yours

        and when we do face                                  the wind
        that treacherous storm                               it whipped and howled
        where the wind will spit and howl                    blinding us more and more
        where the rain will fall as daggers
        where the clouds will darken like coal               it was the separation of two souls

        where it will seem there is no hope                  but as I open my eyes
                                                             and there you lay
        hand in hand we will walk
        straight through it all                              next to me you lay
        and the storm will be cast aside                     right where last night we were
        as though it were a drop of water
        on a piece of cloth                                  and the waves, sand, and howling winds can not
                                                             do nothing no more
        and together, we will prevail
        for nothing is as strong                             since I am yours
        compared to US.                                      since you are mine

                                                             you are only mine
                                                             as I am only yours

                                                             of this I am sure
                                                             as sure as
                                                             of the waves that meet the shore.

                                                                                          Written by Maliha Zia
                                                                                                    ID: 1070171
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