Page 16 - ADU Voice
P. 16

Out with the old

        Change:  one  word  yet  several  different  meanings  Firstly, you need to accept it. I’m not exactly saying
        depending on a specific topic. The type of change  you should embrace it. You don’t have to pick it up
        I’m focusing on today is the act or process through  from the airport. I’m sure it can take a taxi or call an
        which  something  becomes  different.  And  even  Uber. Anyways back on topic, you need to develop
        though spare change is infuriatingly annoying, that’s  an  “It  is  what  it  is”  attitude.  What’s  happening  is
        a topic for another day.                             going to happen and you can’t change it. However,
                                                             and I’d like to stress on this, do not stop there. Try
        Change  is  something  we  all  go  through  whether  to learn from this special episode and incorporate
        big or small. From a dainty caterpillar transforming  it into your brain. You never know. You could learn
        into a beautiful butterfly, a small seed turning into  something unique and different. This could benefit
        a ginormous tree, or a child with a big sized head  your mental fortitude in the long run.
        growing  into  an  adult  with  a  normal-sized  head,
        change  is  constant.                                Secondly,  distract  yourself.  Honestly,  this  is  my
                                                             personal  favorite.  I  believe  that  the  best  action  is
        It has always been said and reiterated in words that  a  distraction.  This  could  be  anything.  Whether  it’s
        change  is  inevitable.  Sounds  daunting,  right?  This  being more social, working out more, or even getting
        brings  us  to  the  next  point:  change  can  be  good  a new and different type of haircut. A lot of people
        or bad. We have always heard or experienced this.  even dye their hair a different color sometimes (this
        There’s nothing wrong with a good type of change.  is totally not a shot at the ladies). The key is to try
        Who doesn’t want a positive influence in their lives?  and do something to stop your mind from thinking
        The problem is the bad type of change and no way  about whatever bad stuff you’re going through right
        does that feel good at all.                          now.

        Experiencing  a  bad  type  of  change  can  lead  to  The note I would like to end on is that whatever the
        having a certain sort of fear called the fear of change.  bad  type  of  change  is,  it  won’t  last  forever.  It  will
        Something which tastes so bitter that it creates this  hurt you for a while, but this will eventually fade. It’s
        mystic  dark  cloud  above  your  head.  Once  you’ve  always darkest before the dawn (boring, but true).
        tasted this flavor, you never want to try it again. As  Always believe in the fact that this experience with
        much as we all wish that was possible, sadly it’s not.  bad change will make you stronger mentally. Never
        Change occurs no matter what. You can’t stop forces  give up on yourself even if the odds are against you.
        you don’t understand.
                                                             At  the  end  of  the  day,  you’ve  only  got  yourself.
        Moreover, the worst part of dealing with bad change  Remember: the best belief is self-belief. Lastly, I’m
        is the memory or experience will linger for almost  well aware that this whole last paragraph is full of
        forever  inside  your  head.  Believe  it  or  not,  fear  of  major clichés but it is what it is.
        change  could  be  one  of  the  reasons  why  some
        people  are  pessimists.
                                                                                           Written by Faiz Ashfaq Siddiqui
        So, this begs the question: How does one deal with                                             ID: 1080139
        a bad type of change? Well, there are a few ways to
        somewhat combat this “force” you can’t exactly see.
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