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P. 13


        A  year  has  passed,  E-Learning  continues,  and
        stress finds its way to creep in. Regardless of age,
        major or occupation, stress is unavoidable and Dr.
        Smitha, Chair of the Humanities and Social Science
        Department, has given some helpful tips on how to
        cope  with  stress  and  anxiety.

        Stress Management
        E-Learning hasn’t been as relaxed as it first seemed.
        Each day feels like a repetition of the day before and
        demotivation levels rise. Lockdown had pretty much
        put  all  our  activities  on  hold  and  most  of  us  had
        gotten used to that lifestyle. When asked, Dr. Smitha
        suggested maintaining a schedule including healthy
        eating  and  sleeping  habits,  as  well  as  exercise,
        because of there endorphin boost – a natural stress
        reliever. Regardless of restrictions, the right mindset  Social Anxiety
        allows you to do anything.                           “When all of this is over”, some people might suffer
                                                             from  social  anxiety  after  a  year  –  or  more  –  of
        With  Covid-19  and  the  safety  protocols,  almost  being distanced from people. Dr. Smitha had some
        everyone  is  lacking  social  interactions;  however,  interesting insights as to how students or instructors
        there are ways to keep in touch. Video calling friends  could  prepare:
        and family or creating a Netflix Party for your group  •Slowly expose yourself to different and interactive
        of friends could feel like a cinematic experience!   situations
        Sometimes,  dwelling  on  things  and  thoughts  is  •Mentally prepare before an outing
        incontrollable. To avoid doing so, you could: distract  •Meditate  or  do  breathing  exercises  when  anxiety
        yourself with positive thoughts, be kind to yourself  strikes
        or start reading books that interest you. Try to focus  •Cancel your comfort zone – just for a little while
        only on things you can control rather on the things  •Commit: to moving forward. You're got this!
        you  can’t.  “Prayers  also  gives  a  lot  of  healing  and
        confidence.”,  said  Dr.  Smitha.                    Another helpful tip is that if lockdown has negatively
        Keeping  in  touch  with  friends  and  family  almost  affected your friendships, joining a group of people
        always helps to boost moods. To those who are still  with similar interests as you could help build strong
        keeping distance, learning an instrument or gaining  friendships  via  social  media.  MS  Teams  could  also
        a new hobby could be beneficial.                     be another starting point. By participating in class
                                                             or working in groups, you could meet tons of people
        E-Learning                                           and form connections from there. You never know
        Both  professors  and  students  have  been  affected  until you try. Be the person who makes a WhatsApp
        with  this  ‘new  normal’.  Adjusting  is  what  matters  group chat for a course – with permission of your
        the most. To overcome the stress with this change  instructor, of course.
        as  a  faculty  member,  Dr.  Smitha  suggested  more  REMINDER: With time, things will get better. In the
        interactive  activities  to  ensure  engagement  of  meantime, be gentle with yourself. Know that you
        students  as  well  as  helping  professors  familiarize  aren’t going through this alone and people will listen
        themselves with their students as teacher-student  and understand.
        relationships  are  crucial  factors  of  education.  In  “More and more exposure to various situations will
        some way, students’ engagement in class activities  melt away the anxiety and fears in you.”
        could help normalize the situation of the pandemic,  - Dr. Smitha Dev
        moving  forward  and  helping  the  instructors  too.
                                                                                                 Written by Aleya Al Ketbi
                                                                                                     ID: 1076673
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