Page 17 - ADU Voice
P. 17

Art therapy

        I do find art to be therapeutic. In every sense of the word. The ability to express emotions  of all
        ranges, and to create something which for a brief moment only existed in your head. Everyone
        needs an outlet or escape for all the things in his life. Making art is an effective and accessible tool
        for that. Something that humans have been doing for thousands of years. Not only does it help to
        make art but to observe art is also a way to decompress and give your brain an escape. It varies
        between person to person, but overall it has the same outcome, Whether you’re finger painting
        abstracts trying to make Jackson Pollocks or drawing characters from your favourite anime, it’s all
        therapeutic one way or another. Art is a tool to let people into your head space just by looking at
        simple lines on paper or strokes of paint on a canvas. That ability to connect with others almost
        effortlessly is a powerful thing.
                                                                                     Written by Ibrahim Ahmed
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