Page 172 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 172


        access to all materials related to the course is strictly   Excerpts of Procedural Guidelines
        prohibited. In “open book” examinations, students are
        allowed to have access to all materials during examination,   for Examinations and Proctoring
        with the exception of those specifically prohibited by the
        instructor. In the absence of any specific information,   I.  Introduction
        examinations are to be considered as “closed book.”
                                                     The content and particulars of examinations are decided by
        III. Students’ Responsibilities              the faculty members and communicated to the proctors and
                                                     other concerned individuals such as IT staff. The overriding
        A.      Pre Examination                      responsibility of the Office of Academic Integrity (OAI) is to
                                                     ensure the integrity of the examination processes.
        1.   Switch-off your mobile phones (and all other electronic
            devices) and place them in front of the examination   The responsibility for providing proctors to administer
            room and away from where you are seated.   examinations rests with colleges and academic units. In the
                                                     event of any shortfalls, the OAI will arrange for additional
        2.   Put all the materials such as books, notes, etc. in front   proctors to meet the needs of colleges and academic units.
            of the examination room and away from where you
            are seated.                              The Procedural Guidelines for Examinations and Proctoring
                                                     are described in the following sections. It is the responsibility
        3.   Select your seat randomly and avoid seating next to   of faculty members and proctors to be familiar with these
            friends, family, and/or associates.      rules and comply with them.
        4.   Bring and use only the type of calculator that is
            allowed by the instructor.               II. Personal and Professional
                                                     Attributes of Proctors
        B.      During Examination
                                                     •   Good reputation,
        1.   Read and sign the “Warning Section” on the top of the
            Exam Cover Sheet.                        •   Ability to take a supervisory role in the
                                                         administration of examinations, and
        2.   Sign the exam’s “Attendance Sign-Up Sheet.”
                                                     •   Lack of conflict of interest, both “in fact” and “in
        3.   Refrain from looking at someone else’s exam paper  appearance.”
        4.   Refrain from engaging in any form of communication
            (e.g., talking and/or whispering) with other students.  III. Types of Examinations
        5.   Refrain from any movements that can raise suspicions   Irrespective of the type of examination, and to minimize the
            of illicit activities.                   possibility of students’ violations of the Academic Integrity
                                                     Policy, faculty  members are requested to prepare more
        6.   Refrain from engaging in any arguments with the   than one version of an exam (this could be done by simple
            instructor or proctor.                   rearrangement of the questions or changing numbers in
                                                     the  exercises,  etc.).  In  addition,  all  examinations  should
        7.   Write answers on the papers provided by the proctor.  have the standard Exam Cover Sheet.

        8.   Use the back of your answer sheets for any required   Examinations at ADU can be either “closed book” or
            calculations.                            “open book.” In “closed book” examinations, access to all
                                                     materials related to the course is strictly prohibited, unless
        C.      After Examination                    the materials are provided by the instructor (e.g., a formula
                                                     sheet). In “open book” examinations, students are allowed
        1.   Finish the examination on time and stop writing   to have access to all materials, with the exception of those
            answers when instructed to do so.        specifically prohibited by the instructor. In the absence of
                                                     any specific information, examinations are to be considered
        2.   Leave the room quietly.                 “closed book.”
        3.   Collect your belongings.
        4.   Report any concerns or problems to the OAI staff.

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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