Page 171 - Postgraduate Catalog 2024-25
P. 171


        in submitted documents, including text wherein individual   it can  be proven with  absolute certainty, who  wrote the
        words have been replaced by synonyms, or similar words.     original paper, the “lender” will also be faced with academic
        Any submitted written work that is suspected of plagiarism   penalties.
        will be referred to the Office of Academic Integrity for
        further investigation.  Students violating the University’s   F.  Free Riding
        Academic Integrity Policy are subject to penalties that   When assigned to work in collaborative groups, all students
        include dismissal from the University.       should participate in the activity or project.  Students who
        C.  Fabrication of Data                      could not demonstrate their contribution to the group
                                                     work/activity will be considered as cheaters.
        Fabrication of data is the falsification or invention of any
        information or citation in an academic exercise.  Fabricated
        information or data may not be used in any laboratory   II. Penalty for Violations of Academic
        experiment or research project.              Integrity (AI)
        Examples of fabrication of data include but are not limited   All instances of violations of the AIP are subject to sanctions,
        to:                                          including dismissal for cheating, other academically related
        1.  Deliberately misreporting results of an experiment or   egregious acts of deceptions and/or reckless disregard
           field research.                           for the principle of AI.  Under special circumstances and/
                                                     or based on lesser degree of severity of the AIP violations,
        2.  Inventing data and resources for written, oral, or other   lower sanctions may be imposed.
                                                     Students found in violation of the AIP for the second time
        3.  Inventing case studies and relevant facts in reports,
           papers, or presentations.                 will be subject to more heightened sanctions. Students
                                                     found in violation of the AIP for the third time will be subject
                                                     to dismissal from Abu Dhabi University.
        D.  Presenting False Credentials
                                                     Imposition of any sanction for violation of the AIP is subject
        Presenting false or misleading credentials on applications,   to due-process being carried out, availability of sufficient
        CV’s, and any other documents presented as part of the   evidence being examined, the adjudication process being
        student’s life constitutes academic dishonesty.  completed, and the process of appeal being exhausted.
        Examples of false credentials include but are not limited to:  Students dismissed from Abu Dhabi University for violations
        1.  Claiming degrees that were not earned.   of the AIP will receive a failing grade (F) in the course in
                                                     which  the  violation  has  occurred.  Students  dismissed
        2.  Failing to report colleges and universities attended.  from Abu Dhabi University for violations of the AIP are not
        3.  Presenting falsified transcripts.        eligible for receiving any refunds of tuitions and fees.
        4.  Presenting falsified information.
        5.  Claiming false employment.               Excerpts of Examinations
        6.  Misrepresenting immigration status.      Protocols and Rules - Students’
        7.  Using fake ID cards.                     Responsibilities
                                                     I.  Introduction
        E.  Collusion
                                                     The  Office  of  Academic  Integrity  (OAI)  has  formulated
        Collusion occurs when students work together on a piece   Examinations’ Protocols and Rules that govern students’
        for assessed work when “working together” is not allowed.   conduct during examinations. It is the responsibility of
        Collusion can occur when students copy from each other.   students to be familiar with these rules and comply with
        Evidence of collusion on students’ papers occurs when   them.
        two or more papers have similar or identical wording. An
        individual student’s understanding cannot be assessed if
        “ownership” of the assignment cannot be determined.  II.  Types of Examinations

        A student who “lends” his/her paper to other students is   Examinations at Abu Dhabi University (ADU) can be either
        just as guilty as those who have copied from it, and unless   “closed book” or “open book.” In “closed book” examinations,

        Abu Dhabi University | Postgraduate Catalog 2024 - 2025
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