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        and Events

                                    Breast Cancer Awareness Forum

                                    In October 2021, we raised awareness on breast cancer. Dr. Aisha Al Salami,
                                    medical oncologist, Dr. Jigna Scott, psychiatrist emphasized the importance
                                    of early detection, keeping a positive mindset, as well as keeping a stable
                                    mental health. The event was enriched by a testimonial from Ms. Maria Farah,
                                    a breast cancer survivor.

        World Diabetes Day: Diabetes Awareness Forum

        In November 2021 we celebrated World Diabetes Day. Our guest
        speaker, Dr. Hamda AlRemeithi, medical resident, Al Samha Healthcare
        Center discussed the causes, symptoms, and treatment of Diabetes.
        The ambassadors also played a video and had an interactive session
        with  the  audience  using  Kahoot.

                                                           Cervical Cancer Awareness

                                                           In February 2022 we raised awareness about cervical
                                                           cancer. Our guest speaker Ms. Hiba  Abdelrahman,
                                                           Director of Nursing at Yas Clinic, shed light on cervical
                                                           cancer, its causes, and the available tools for early
                                                           detection. The event also included videos of survivors
                                                           showing how early detection had helped them fight
                                                           this disease.

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 2              2021-2022 Academic Year
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