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        and Events

        Cancer Awareness Event

        In May 2022 we raised awareness on Cancer. Dr.
        Loubna, Senior Clinical Scientist at Abu Dhabi
        Stem Cells Center (ADSCC), shed light on the latest
        advancements in cancer research.  The HWA raised
        awareness on cancer and encouraged prevention,
        detection, and treatment as well as shared stories
        and ran a trivia game.

        World Health Day

        Our main event for the year was our celebration of the World Health Day 2022. It was a full day event on
        Abu Dhabi campus, where informative sessions on each health dimension were running in the auditorium
        (Mental, Environmental, Intellectual, Physical). Simultaneously, student-driven fun activities with respect
        to the dimensions were conducted in the atrium. It was a huge and successful event overall. The event
        was organized by the Health and Wellness Ambassadors under the supervision of coordinators and staff
        from the College of Health Sciences.

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 2              2021-2022 Academic Year
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