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        from classroom to real-world

        Abu Dhabi Public Health Center (ADPHC)

        ADPHC hosted public health students from ADU, where they learned about the center’s work and future
        plans for public health in Abu Dhabi. The visit provided an opportunity for students and educational
        staff to get acquainted closely with the practical aspects and various activities of public health, which
        contributes to linking the academic and practical aspects.

        We strive to support our students in various fields of public health to enhance their continuity of
        educational attainment to serve their country and members of society and to achieve the aspirations of
        our wise leadership.

        Tadweer Waste Treatment Company in Dubai

        Our Environmental Health and Safety students went on a field trip to Tadweer Waste Management to see
        the real world of waste management and relate to what they learn in class.

        Abu Dhabi University | The College of Health Sciences E-Magazine | Issue 2              2021-2022 Academic Year
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